• New Arrivals Sunglasses

    As DL GLASSES, we independently create and produce what we like, and think you will like it too. We know that you are searching for the shape of sunglasses to increase the degree of rotation throughout the year, so we won’t know the trend you want to know. We searched on our line store and...
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  • What Kind of Sunglasses Do You Want to Wear to The Future?

    What Kind of Sunglasses Do You Want to Wear to The Future?

    Once upon a time, we all felt that the big girls wearing glasses were nerds, feeling dull and lacking sense of humor. However, in recent years, many major flyover brands have supported them, and glasses that everyone disliked suddenly became fashion items and became a ne...
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  • Do you still choose the traditional round and square sunglasses?

    Do you still choose the traditional round and square sunglasses?

    Sunglasses have become one of the necessities in the street. Do you still choose the traditional round and square sunglasses? When traveling on the street, the eye protection item is the sunglasses. Recently, the fashion of irregular frames has been quietly blown in the accessories industry. This...
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  • In popular opinion, sunglasses are a “summer accessory”, but did you know?

    In popular opinion, sunglasses are a “summer accessory”, but did you know?

    In popular opinion, sunglasses are a "summer accessory", but did you know? Ultraviolet rays in winter are also harmful to the eyes. Even on a cloudy day, UVA and UVB will still reach your eyes. In fact, our eyes are more delicate and fragile in winter. On the one hand, b...
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  • Sunglasses also have a “shelf life”

    Sunglasses also have a “shelf life”

    To choose a suitable pair of sunglasses, the following basic tips should be kept in mind: UV protection: Choose sunglasses that can block 99%~100% UVA and UVB radiation. Sunglasses size: buy large-size sunglasses. Too-sized sunglasses cover a wide range and help reduce t...
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  • Colorful Sunglasses

    Colorful Sunglasses

    Sunglasses, as a kind of sun-shading glasses, belong to human body protection products. The main function of sunglasses is to prevent irritation and damage caused by external ultraviolet rays to human eyes and provide a comfortable visual environment. Without proper prot...
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